Comments on: The Big Read: History of Brilliance Jinbei (part 2) China Auto News Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:47:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sending a gift from user. Take => Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:47:57 +0000 oaxa2u

By: Leo Breevoort Mon, 06 Sep 2021 19:13:36 +0000 This Just In:

Some reports in Chinese media, based on documents of judicial system, have uncovered that BMW Brilliance will most like acquire all the assets of Brilliance/Zhonghua (Shenyang Brilliance China Automotive in the diagram) for a sum of approximately $170 million. The sale includes the factory, production lines, machinery and tooling, land use rights, etc, but not the Zhonghua brand itself. This transaction is part of the bankruptcy reorganisation process of Huachen.

For BMW Brilliance this is most likely just capacity increase. The Zhonghua factory is relatively modern and (I believe) almost adjacent to one of the existing BMW Brilliance factories. For the Zhonghua brand it’s probably no good news, although Huachen could produce the cars in one of its remaining facilities.

By: Leo Breevoort Mon, 06 Sep 2021 19:04:00 +0000 In reply to dragn.

Thanks, dragn.
I think Brilliance would have had a better chance with Yang Rong. He was forced out just as the Zhonghua brand came to market, so we’ll never know.
I don’t want to be too political, but there seem to many aspects to the wave of new regulations in the tech sector. China’s entrepreneurs have long been considered hero-like, but their success also shows the growing economical divide in Chinese society. The clamp down on for instance the educational tech sector seems designed to address at least part of this problem. I don’t know how it will affect the selfmade automotive billionaires, but so far they seem to escape.

By: dragn Mon, 06 Sep 2021 18:26:21 +0000 Wonderful summary of a very complicated evolution of Brilliance efforts to rise up from the ashes of the rust belt.
In hindsight, we can only imagine the huge success that Brilliance would have enjoyed if Yang Rong’s plans were not sabotaged by Bo Xilai. However in view of the current wave of regulations aimed at China’s successful enterprises, the charismatic Yang Rong ‘s demise might have just been postponed to a later date.
